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Assured by 100,000 Patients & Adding many more

M’Sure –S uses a validated formulation of low dose Sirolimus (1.30µg/mm ) timed to elute in ̴30 days to 45 days from a biodegradable & biocompatible polymer base (PLLA & PLGA) which degrades simultaneously

Stent Architecture

  • M’Sure-S stent is built on 59µm cobalt chromium platform.
  • Our special electro-polishing technique ensures an ultra-low strut thickness of 59µm.
  • M’Sure-S Ensure 0.29% foreshortening & <3% recoil.

Intelligent Cell Design

Provide optimal radial strength, high degree of flexibility & excellent Scaffolding.

Intelligent design comprising of open and closed cells offers



Sirolimus is an ideal choice considering that it acts on the common final pathway of cell division cycle without exceptional risk of necrosis induction.

M’Sure-S has 1.30µg/mm2 of Sirolimus loading on stent, eluted within 30 days.


  • Biodegradable and biocompatible co-polymer formulation.
  • Poly-L-Lactic acid ( PLLA) & poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA).
  • 2 µm of drug & polymer coating.

Ultra modern manufacturing facilities

Multimedics facilities are laced with latest equipments for manufacturing & testing- Like In-house Microbiology testing for raw and finished goods.

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing is established on rock solid cGMP guidelines and is structured around ISO 13485:2016 Quality Standards. CE Marked, DCGI Approved, GMP and ISO 13485 Certified


Common Technical Specifications

Stent Diameters (mm) 2.00,2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00
Stent Length (mm) 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48
Drug Sirolimus 1.30 µg/mm2
Polymer PLLA & PLGA
Strut Thickness 59 µm For all Diameters
Delivery System Rapid Exchange
Nominal Pressure 8 ATM
Rated Burst Pressure 16 ATM
Balloon overhang -0.3mm
Shaft outer diameter Proximal 1.95F / Distal 2.70F
Radio opaque markers 2 – Platinum / Iridium
Usable Catheter length 140cms
Min. Guide Catheter I.D. 5F / 0.056″
Max. Guide Wire 0.014″ (0.36mm)


Stent Diameter (mm) 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
Crossing Profile (mm/inches) 0.76mm / 0.030″ 0.88 mm / 0.035″ 0.90mm / 0.035″ 0.95mm / 0.037″ 1.00mm / 0.039″ 1.04mm / 0.041″ 1.12mm / 0.044″ 1.20mm / 0.047″ 1.30mm / 0.051″

Ordering Information

Offering Widest Range of 99 SKU’s

Diameter (mm) / Length (mm) 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
8 S20008 S22508 S25008* S27508* S30008* S35008* S40008* S45008 S50008
12 S20012 S22512 S25012* S27512* S30012* S35012* S40012* S45012 S50012
16 S20016 S22516 S25016* S27516* S30016* S35016* S40016* S45016 S50016
20 S20020 S22520 S25020* S27520* S30020* S35020* S40020* S45020 S50020
24 S20024 S22524 S25024* S27524* S30024* S35024* S40024* S45024 S50024
28 S20028 S22528 S25028* S27528* S30028* S35028* S40028* S45028 S50028
32 S20032 S22532 S25032* S27532* S30032* S35032* S40032* S45032 S50032
36 S20036 S22536 S25036* S27536* S30036* S35036* S40036* S45036 S50036
40 S20040 S22540 S25040* S27540* S30040* S35040* S40040* S45040 S50040
44 S20044 S22544 S25044 S27544 S30044 S35044 S40044 S45044 S50044
48 S20048 S22548 S25048 S27548 S30048 S35048 S40048 S45048 S50048

* CE Approved Products

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